A Day of Candle Making
I'm thinking about transitioning the direction of MyAmari this year that will reflect my personality. I've noticed a pattern of behavior throughout the past few of years of not sticking to just one craft or hobby for a really long time. I get into a slump and that particular undertaking is put on a back burner for a while. Excitement comes with a shiny new (and old) hobby in a month or few, and I'll pour my free time, mental and physical energy into that for a time.
While this seems like a pointless and endless cycle, I always come back to everything I've put down at some point. So rather than beat myself up constantly about this quirk of mine, I'm just going to embrace it. I'd like to make my focus, or un-focus rather, on the many passions I have. I will still do beading tutorials when I am on my bead kicks, but I would also like to share with others helpful information that I find, and my journey as I go through my other ventures.
Before I get started on my candle making ramble, I have to say that I am married to the most patient and supportive man on the face of the planet. Anything I voice out loud as an idea, he says do it and supports me 100%. Not once has he complained about me starting something new, my craft stashes throughout the house--or just out, my partially finished projects, although he does nudge every once in a while about our crochet quilt that's still in progress. I so love my honey ♥ Thank you.
This is the introduction of my series of candle carving posts, and how it all started.
It began during my "Get Organized and Declutter" mode as I cleaned out our school supply cabinet. Every time the door opened, pencils, crayons, etc., would fall out. (BTW, I did get it mostly organized.)
We had a TON of crayons; some I'm sure were from when my almost-17 year old was in kindergarten. I've always figured that "we'll use them some day." That's when the researching ways to recycle crayons began. Most of the ideas were to make giant crayons, crayon art, and pigment for candles. Kayli and I got together all the broken pieces and started peeling the paper off of them. We made a Michael's run to buy some wax and fragrance oils. The first candle was in an old pimento jar. The tutorial for this cute recycled crayon candle can be found here.
The candle does burn, but I am finding out crayon doesn't really allow for a great flame. We had fun making it, which honestly is all that matters.
The candle does burn, but I am finding out crayon doesn't really allow for a great flame. We had fun making it, which honestly is all that matters.
Of course, we made a day of it :)
Our attempt at an ombre candle on the right (below) was from Make Life Lovely's post for a DIY Mason Jar Lantern, using a toilet paper roll for a candle mold.
The middle is a water candle we found instructions for on Youtube. That one took about 5 minutes. We used olive oil because that's all we had but lamp oil would probably work better.
I won't even go into the glass cutting attempts, but I did get a couple of good pieces out. Eventually. Wine bottle candles coming soon!
To be continued...
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